Monday, August 25, 2014

How to Read Minds

Sharing Ideas

 All Seeing Eye/Natural Internet

Mind reading or advanced nonverbal communication is based on a three dimensional course of action. The first dimension is your material state of body the Crux. The second dimension is your mind (Nucleus) a unique energy connected to your body matter. The third dimension is an energy network grid with which all operational tributaries are connected to, like how all rivers lead to the ocean.

 How It Works

Both a sender and receiver are required to exchange TRS (thermally radiated thoughts). The graph below simplifies the thought sharing process.  

What It Feels Like

Neural responses are typically in the form of an idea, like a mental picture or a series of thoughts that infer a concept. Here is an example:

A human programming mentor and learner were discussing how the application of self programs can wean our society from the perceived need for violence. After a pause in the dialogue, the mentor advised that she was thinking of a sandwich. In response, the student laughed and stated that was her own exact thought. 

Reading a mind is actually receiving a signal sent by another mind. Closer enmeshment properties (as in mentor and learner) and higher awareness levels of individuals sharing thoughts positively effect the cognizance of received signals.  

Monday, August 4, 2014

Using Mental Note to Enhance Memory

Mental Note

The ANC Model Began with Mental Note

The original draft of the ANC Model was scrawled out in sharpie over a wall length of giant post it notes, with rough patches of written verbiage elucidating utilities, factors, enablers and hypothesized permutations strung along the oscillating process, that for the first time in history, identified human generated message exchange by intelligible light particle. This epochal writing on the wall symbolized a continuum of independently generated cerebral memos, which over the course of study, were transferred into text on  the ANC Model.

What is Mental Note? 

To better retain the meaningful data you are exposed to, you may be required to quickly store information in circumstances where you don’t have a pen and post it or note taking app like Notability or Noteshelf available at your fingertips.  Mental Note is a Cerebralsoft App you can install in your memory program to make strong existing correlations with the new information being recorded and enhance your ability to recall detailed memories.

Consider the Picture in Picture below:

You can think of the Nucleus (You) taking mental snapshots with the Crux (Your Brain) in the same manner in which the photographer in this picture is able to capture a photo of himself taking a picture with his smart phone. 

How Does it Work?

By default, the human brain is designed  to store information the body matter is exposed to, unless by circumstance it is programmed to ignore or is refocused by mind setting priority. As an extension of this inherit memory system, mental note can be set to record sounds received from a proximate source (such as, the presentation taking place in a team meeting at your work) while the brain also functions in TRS signaling from over a distance (helping your wife find her keys at home). 

Using the Mental Note App

Mental notes can be sketches, pictures or actual words you record in sequence about a specified subject or new ideas you want to remember later that can be tossed in a file of Random Awesome Stuff. You can use visualization to create the look and feel of the application, (e.g. full of color, or completely blank) set your means of access – such as internal voice activation or or a cued selection from your mental desk top. 

6 Step Test

Cerebralsoft Apps are installations that work with your everyday programming. Your cycle of memory storage can be enhanced by the use of Mental Note, which can substitute as and in many cases replace the use of inorganic materials as reminders. To ensure that your new app is working smoothly, run the following 6 Step Test:

Step 1. Open Mental Note
            Think Create New       
Step 2. Write a Mental Note
            Mentally notate  three to five items needed at the grocery store e.g.:
1.      Eggs
2.      Milk
3.      Root Beer …
Step 3. Save Your Mental Note
            Think Save As New Grocery List
Step 4. Go to the Grocery Store
Step 5. Recall Mental Note
            Think Open New Grocery List
Step 6. Review Note File
            Purchase items accordingly
If you do not complete your own shopping, you can convert this test into a similar task completion agenda like organizing a day's schedule.


Moriah Lee Davis has studied advanced biotic nonverbal communication for over 13 years. She has now developed the Cerebralsoft learning systems.