A New Normal
Every social evolution is faced with the challenge of creating a new normal. Formulating new ideas to overcome the challenges of old thinking can seem futile but we have to understand that each one of us changing makes the world evolve. The problems seem endless and can be overwhelming if one person considers solving them alone. There are children and adults starving, suffering from diseases, lies, deceit, murders and hatred. It can appear that the people on planet earth will never arrive on the same page. However, hope subtly exists because there are some things that we all agree on. We all need air to breathe for starters, water to drink, food to eat, shelter, love… In essence, we all agree on what it means to be physically alive. Is it possible for everyone to agree on what it should mean to live life?
All groups and subcultures of humanity use meaning to make their words (in whatever manner conveyed) explain feelings, emotions and circumstances. We can fix the problem of miscommunication that lies at the root of every public conflict by raising the awareness of meaning in our communication.
Consciously discerning meaning behind what someone is saying can help us understand what information they intend to share. Those receiving information can detect the thought processes behind correspondence and lessen the occurrences of misunderstanding. The extent of positive edification or psychological abrasion one's meaning can have on another person is cause to focus on why you are saying what you are saying and if it should be said at all.
Using simple smarts like meaning awareness can help our world create a new normal.