Monday, April 28, 2014

Self Programming for Beginners

The Self Programming Objective:

The objective of human programming is to develop the intellectual capacity to program yourself. It is best to approach this goal in steps, or itemized chunks of information which can stick to each other like a Lego


Lego 1:


Understanding Dimensions

Legos theorem utilizes a series of adhesive facets that build upon defined dimensional functions. It is necessary for learners to adopt the following segmentations in some format, in order for Lego 2 to fuse into Lego 1, and so on.

Although cliché, mind over matter is the maxim of human programming. Being as it may, the brain, according to Legos Theorem is an apparatus of the mind.

The mind – traditionally described as a person’s soul in spiritual constructs, is a interdependent energy sphere coalesced with your body matter. 

Lego 2:

Gravitational Beliefs

These indoctrinated values are inculcated into a person’s neural reasoning over time. Beliefs may be subliminally suggested, the product of education (home, school, or influential figures), the later conglomerate of accepted values based on life experiences, current personal dilemmas, and infinite combinations of the aforementioned. Programmed values, delineate what conduit of reason a brain follows to make decisions.

Legos 1 & 2 set up a foundation for Lego 3 – Recognizing Programming

Programming is an action done while the brain is at rest (in this theory, when the brain is placed in homeostasis, called auto drive). During this state, the brain carries out functions according to it’s program specs, while the mind is in motion, creating courses of action. The cognizance of agenda identification and source, the Nucleus-Crux, paired with the acknowledgement of Gravitational Beliefs support the concept of a program playing field, or analogously stated, (mental) desktop. This is where your mind can navigate “your cursor” (or for those accustomed to using touch screens, resistive, capacitive, surface acoustic wave  etc…– your cerebral tap) to open and run “software”, adjust hardware etc…within your brain. For instance, an exercise routine is a program you create. The three days a week you exercise is your program schedule, your ability to change that schedule, and choose how you exercise (run, jog, yoga at the gym, or kickboxing in your living room), are program specs that you can deactivate, activate, add or delete. 

Lego 4:


Challenging Yourself – Program Analysis

Certain programs are interrelated, which can effect the results of  predetermined runs of one or more applications. The fourth Lego can present a challenge of wills, or the forces within the Nucleus-Crux. The body matter processes stimuli according to Gravitational Beliefs, yet the mind recognizing the program may notice an error, or disliking a subset program script, may instigate a new directive in stimulus reactivity at any activity point.This is how some people can “ward off” the common cold, whereas others may become bed ridden for days.

Lego 5:

 Sensitivity to Redirection

This Lego is a reasoning construct stipulating that the body submit to the redirection of the mind in situations where prior indoctrination opposes it’s force. Tractability is often a test in itself. Like its inorganic parallels, the PC/MAC precursors and derivatives, the brain is a reactive organ which follows the command of the mind, however, pre-programmed dilemmas are commonplace. 

Cerebral sensitivity to mind redirection is a specification (program spec) urging a brain to follow through with a prioritized command of the mind. Here is a simple example: after an intense workout, an individual with a resolved weight loss diet may visit their kitchen in hopes of dousing hunger pains. If the person is feeling ravenous, the mental prospects of immediacy and convenience may clash with the  newly established dietary ideals by drawing from habitual likes, and suggesting an unwholesome snack of soda and chips. 

The most recent directives will counter the choice suggestion, posing a healthier selection such as a glass of iced water and apple slices. 

A glitch or program clash occurs because this person has not deleted, or mentally nullified the ability to consume regular (their typical diet) foods, but have implemented a secondary hunger satisfaction plan in order to reach a short-term goal (weight loss, weight training, etc…). Concisely stated, subsequent to program execution, your brain will proffer the opportunity to capitulate to your most important objective versus caving to the smaller uncomfortable irritants of hunger.

Lego 6:


The Flow

Lego 6 ensures the ability of the prior five to flow seamlessly. It can be correlated to cognitive breathing, a regular process, recognizable, controllable, and able to be honed. A person at this level of awareness is conscious of the complex cerebral forensics taking place at their command, yet able to exercise mastery according to the bigger picture. At this point, you know: the brain is subjected to the reign of mind, your reasoning processes are personal adaptations of beliefs acquired over your lifetime, you recognize psychological programming and your ability to organize these neural patterns at will.

Lego 7:

Bettering You

With the mind –body synchrony acquired in becoming self-aware of programming capacities, you are becoming a better self, not only exercising the capacity of your mind, but also increasing the flexibility of your brain components. You are able to think, rethink, and design precise courses to achieve equilibrium, and control over your living experience. This is you, an evolving, prevailing, life form able to navigate the course of your destiny. 

Welcome to the Mind Reader's Guide

I’m Moriah Lee Davis, and I developed Cerebralsoft Curricula after completing the Legos Project, an extensive research of advanced biotic nonverbal communication over space or “mind reading”. What I discovered is that thought transference, in particular, and other psychic “phenomena” are basic, anatomical, brain functions. There is an intelligible thermal exchange between human beings. Less the physics jargon, or at least I’ll do my best, this blog will discuss human programming, otherwise stated, how to program your brain. Over the next few weeks, the blog topics will cover the following points:

The Self Programming Objective, Chieftainship, Measuring Success, & Winning...



Moriah Lee Davis has studied advanced biotic nonverbal communication for over 13 years. She has now developed the Cerebralsoft learning systems.