Thursday, July 2, 2015

Mental Fireworks

Getting the Most Out of Home Plate

Mental foreplay stirs up a biological excitement that propels persons to action. Legos data proved that thinking about sex, led to thinking sex, which pressured persons to perform some type of physical sexual action.

Guided masturbation is sexual interaction that often occurs between persons sharing sexual ideas via thermal electric communication. The priorities of sex become more evident the more often and longer mental foreplay takes place and intensify significantly with physical actions. In short, what the planned interactive sex is for, be it physical, mental or professional motives, is more clear.

If two persons having shared mental sex on a regular basis come together to have physical sex, there is nearly an automatic climax. The actual touching and emotional entanglement is thrice the force of sex from spontaneous unmanaged arousal, giving the euphoric feeling of an incessant orgasm. 

Thursday, June 25, 2015


3 Steps to Perfect Mental Sex

  1. Focus on the person you would like to have physical sex with and wait for the feeling of their attention.
  2. When they pay attention to you, think about sex with them, if they don’t shut down the idea, then proceed to step three.
  3. Go for it.

Mental climax is a sure thing. The environment of sexual pleasure is limited only by boundaries within one’s mind. If sharing mental pleasure, persons need only engage in thinking about topics relating to physical intercourse to become aroused.

Thinking of sex enables a mental array of effects ranging from biophysical to psychological on the human being. Body temperature escalates with thoughts of sex and thoughts that connect to sex. Arousal occurs strongly when persons sharing thoughts have similar thoughts that connect to sex, such as sitting at home watching a film or cuddling by a warm fire. In the event two persons may be sharing thoughts about a movie, certain ideas might lead to mental sex, such as a love scene in the movie, or relationship concepts that relate to the characters.

Arousal through mental sex can prepare persons for physical intercourse with each other, the venturous idea sharing that can take place between minds allows for an exploration of sexual acts that may otherwise be inhibited.

Actions are propelled by sequences of thought, with sexual acts being the product of natural instincts and preprogrammed social ideals. Most of us fantasize about an act prior to committing it, this contemplation can be a collaboration.

A fundamental of thermal communication is that thinking, in itself, can work as a contact. When a person mentally engages in a fantasy with a lover, they can contact them by thinking about the lover’s participation. Accepting an invitation to engage in mental sex is a two-step process, the receiver realizing the sender is thinking about sex with the receiver, and the receiver accepting the invitation to think sex.

Sharing sexual ideas creates neuronal stimulation. The perfection comes when persons engaged in mental sex climax physically. This is more often achieved when persons have strong compatibility in thoughts connected to sex, as in holding hands or touching lips. Arousal is linked to climax, the higher the arousal, the more intense the climax. The perceived attractiveness of the partnership, the willingness and desire to engage in sex and the aftereffects of the behaviors, impacts arousal. Ultimate arousal occurs when both persons want the same things from sex – using mental sex as foreplay can ensure that physical sex pans out as intended.

Openness to sexual thinking is like mental dating, mental interactions pave the way for mental sex. Using your mind to gauge compatible interests and goals can intensify arousal by increasing the attractiveness of coming together. 

Saturday, May 30, 2015


We set the mental perimeters for control. In our minds we decide if x + y + s = z, then z means we will lose control and cannot be liable for what happens after that point. Being in control of ourselves is possible in any circumstance if we accept responsibility for the control equation.

Visualizing a set of occurrences happening in the control equation allows us to set the z value. For personal pleasure, we may create an equation that states, vacation + affordable spending + less responsibilities = lessened control. 

Control Equations in Relationships

In a relationship, one person may have more control on what actions are taken by the persons in the relationship. This is called a hierarchy relationship. The divisions of power are unequal and one person yields to the authority of the other.

The divisions of power in a hierarchy relationship give separate equations for the value of z (loss of control).  Hierarchy relationships are based on compatibility, wherein one dominant will desire control of a yielding personality type. These relationships are usually best suited for marriage.

Putting it to Work

Giving thought to how we act and interact with others will prevent the unintentional loss of control.

We can set guidelines for control by understanding the pattern of thinking that equals our feelings of being in control or yielding to the control of another person. The simplest way to do this is by retracing a series of thoughts that led to an action. Knowing the thoughts that led to your action will allow you to understand what factors permit you to lose control. Once you have pinpointed the equation, you can change it to best suit you.

Example: Overeating

What were the thoughts that led me to eat so much chocolate?

I was distracted by the movie I was watching + I didn’t realize how much I was eating + I started to eat during action scenes = the loss of my eating control

How can I change my loss of eating control equation?

Placing conscious stops on certain actions prevent a person from repeatedly committing the same action.

In our example, a conscious stop would be placed on eating while distracted. The reason for this is to prevent overeating in situations where a person is not giving as much thought to how much they are eating in a given setting.

Example: Hierarchy Relationship

What were the thoughts that allowed me to yield to a dominant partner?

I am a naturally submissive person in marital relationships + I feel most comfortable being led by a dominant partner + I want the stability of a leader in my life = my loss of control to relationship hierarchy

Yielding or dominating in hierarchy relationships can work to the benefit of the persons involved, nonetheless, clearly defined roles are necessary. A hierarchy relationship is specifically original to the persons forming the relationship, however, if two persons do not accept the expected roles, then the relationship will dissolve.

Projecting Hierarchy Relationship Outcomes

Hierarchy relationships naturally dissolve due to passive dominance. Passive dominance is sometimes used to acquire a goal. A dominant acting as the yielder may produce desired results for that dominant, however, their passivity of dominance will dissolve once that goal is obtained. A yielding person may choose to act dominant to acquire a goal, as part of obeying their dominant partner or to obtain a more suitable dominant partner.

Projecting the outcomes of relationships will pinpoint the right match that meets all the standards needed to achieve ongoing goals and objectives for any person.

The control equation in a compatible hierarchy relationship looks something like this:

If he says so, I do + I want to yield + I appreciate his leadership = loss of control

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Siamese Souls

The body is a temporary container for a subatomic energy unit called a soul. 

The term Siamese Souls is derived from Siamese twins. When two parabonds continue their subatomic bond into a new life cycle, their souls may remain conjoined, leading to inseparable nuclei.
Nucleus/Crux  - Nucleus Cycle
A person can back up energy file copies of memories stored in the brain to their soul. This is similar to saving files in cloud storage services, like Box and Google Drive. 

The soul is a natural form of recyclable organic energy. When enmeshed or combined with a body, a soul is in the 
Nucleus – Crux (N/C) Life Cycle. When without a body, a soul is in the Nucleus (N) Life Cycle. 

Siamese souls in the N/C Life Cycle have linked life experiences. For example, in the same way Google can sync all of your searches and activity to one account, Siamese souls are synced in thoughts and activities.  

Two parabonds, later found to be Siamese souls, were the primary focus of the Legos Project. Below is one example of the simultaneous occurrences studied. 

One parabond was eating frozen yogurt outdoors, and dropped his spoon on the ground.  At the same time, in another part of town, the other parabond was eating outdoors, and dropped her napkins to the ground. Both parabonds were aware of the other reaching down to pick up the dropped item(s).

The paramount sense of oneness between Siamese souls can also be incredibly beneficial. In circumstances where both souls are comfortable with their proximity, these mindful marriages mean little conflict, instant understanding, and cohesive roles. On the other hand, when cruxes are unhappy with their proximity, emotions felt are intense, and often unpredictable. 


Moriah Lee Davis has studied advanced biotic nonverbal communication for over 13 years. She has now developed the Cerebralsoft learning systems.