Tuesday, May 27, 2014



Memories are the strongest tool we have in measuring incidents of advanced nonverbal communication. Human programming students keep a sensory focus journal for the purpose of recording synchrony & pre-occurrence dates. Subsequently, they refer to these records when their perceptions manifest. Eventually, the brain is conditioned to perform these physically practiced tasks (such as writing events in a journal) devoid of external props, creating tagged (like a photo), cerebral collages to keep track of remotely exchanged files. 

The physical evidence of shared thoughts may never emerge,

 but in many cases it does.

(Synchronized Thinking) Are you thinking what I’m thinking? 

Connectedness is the essence of synchrony, an effect caused by the Law of Enmeshment; shared energy will entangle over time. Two sisters discovering that they separately purchased identical shirts, or spouses realizing they independently decided on the same restaurant for dinner are examples of thinking symmetries. Persons sharing space ( e.g. an office), living in the same home, or pen pals are typically situations in which enmeshment is inevitable.

(Pre-Occurrence) Are you talking to me?

Information sharing is not limited to people we know personally. We can receive data from individuals we have never met. For instance, your home business may fit into the target market of a local company wanting to meet the needs of small businesses. Based on the available descriptions of your endeavor, you may receive offers from this company via mail. Sensing the process of your being selected for contact prior to receiving tangible communication is classified as pre-occurrence knowledge. 

We are able to monitor these occurrences by consciously committing them to memory. 

 Benefits of Tracking Memories

1.      Avoid Miscommunication

Understanding the potential of memory usage increases successful communication.

2.      Increase Positive Affectivity  

3.      Enhance Networking Skills

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Mastering the Odds

Mastering the Odds

When the student is ready the master will appear.
(Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.)

I am my only master…

In order to achieve mastery level thought operation, it is mandatory to pore over cognitive processes. How our mental applications are correlated to saved data effect proficiency. Ideate how you can use a word to command your body – like – Focus. Relax. Think. Consider the following.

Patience, n. A minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue. [Ambrose Bierce, "Devil's Dictionary," 1911]

Threadbare morality may constitute patience as defined above, however,  referencing this state of mind should, in contrast, pull up cerebral data reflecting “constancy in effort” (1510s), or steadfast diligence toward achieving a goal. It is imperative to allocate consciousness when commanding in order to attain intended outcomes. Otherwise, your time of patience may activate the Old French, permissively suffering, by default.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Measuring Success - Time

Success & Time Part 1

Earth travel is calculated by journey, each trip, just under 365 days per year, makes a circular pathway around  a floridly burning  orb. This predetermined, repetitive progress is compartmentalized at the nano level, segmentation broadly referred to as Time.

Time Management = Progress Measurement

Time can pass while we are stationary.

Referring back to the Nucleus-Crux, a static body can remain aggregated to an energy in motion, (static motion) this activity can be measured by time. Energy to the power of the network grid is same time, seamless happening, transferable to past and present. Here, there are no time restraints, however, time in the bodily sense can advance. (This concept is both gravitational and selective - those trained in advanced HP can preset time manageability, or tour time.)

Time can pass almost instantly.

When we want things to be completed and when their completion is feasible isn’t always attractive to our programming. We desire to grasp the tangible as fast as we can think it up. Is it possible to have instant gratification? In our sector of the universe there exists a timely idea of patience. Supportive reasoning behind this virtue is the analogous concept that chipping at the tip of an iceberg may cause an avalanche, or for every effect, there are multiple ripple effects, sub-ripples and so forth. In this lies the quintessence of “hang-time”, an inconsistent field designed and manipulated by the mind ascertaining its endpoint.

The hang-time field is the distance between two points, starting at the goal’s selection and ending with it’s completion. This turf is effected by several factors:

·        Proximity –closeness to goal completion
·        Contrast – repositioning dilemmas
·        Amiability – successive participant agreeability

 to be continued...

Monday, May 5, 2014


You are both the Controller & Avatar in your life game.

Enabling Your Own Program

Human programming addresses the quantum areas of energy management at a macro level. Enabling a program is as simple as hitting an OK button. Yet, the complexity of effects can be unfathomably accurate to command. It is best to be methodically detailed, similar to the Irish aphorism concerning prayer, you should think seriously about your thinking. Self-programming requires weighty concentration on individual life experiences for near to immediate results, which can lead to intense situational upsets.

Working Through Doubts

The Nucleus – Crux  (Lego 1) establishes that you have two minds – one mind, as in Buddhist  philosophy, is the higher you (Atman) – your second mind – is a programmable organic computer, similar to the brain model of biophysical science. The incarnate perspective allows for an unbiased look at your own cerebral processing.

For anyone who has explored world pathways to truth – there exist universally resonating facts:

1. We are able to command energy that belongs to us
2. We are able to control energy in Cree fields

Reprogramming  routes of gravitational reasoning takes time.
Simply: We can exercise ownership over the energy compounded with our bodies, as well as energy in fields that are unclaimed. Infinite and finite are terms determined by us, for whatever purposes we make applicable.The boundaries of thinking that trigger doubt are personalized over time, likewise, rezoning the possibility gauges of Lego 2 requires patience.

Each person is an extension of a greater fluctuating energy mass.


Solitude, in many respects, can be classified as a perpetual state of mind. Referenced as multi-oneness, the solo identity is a branch of infinite energy. In short, the separatist (referring to Legos Theorem), is perceptibly processing information with subatomic consciousness. 

Pointers from advanced HP:

In advanced human programming courses, students are taught to implement isolation techniques to trace source origins, or in other words, figure out who is contacting them via advanced nonverbal communication. This requires the increased awareness of personal thinking, and the honing of keen perception skills. 

Life forms emit intelligible energy.
Autonomous cognizance, the separation of one’s own energy amalgam from that of other beings accessing the same network grid stimulates the recognition of multiple organisms signaling. Once accessed, persons usually categorize themselves as an interdependent resonator, able to communicate via the collective dynamic.

Overcoming Self- Rebellion

Conflicting ideals, or the nuances of gravitational beliefs can hinder programming progress. Weaning yourself from the crutches of habitual thought requires the momentum of painstaking determination to overcome the knee scrapes and bruises from falling face forward into success. Here are a couple mental picture steps to counter self-rebellion resultant of doubt refraction.

    Action begins in the mind.
  1. Freeze frame yourself defying your doubt barriers and consider the immeasurable, electrodynamic movements taking place as you appear still. (This is the moment where you can overcome your body's rebellion)
  2. Retrain your gravitational beliefs /stored values according to different specs. A popular example: redefine pain as weakness exiting the body matter. You overcome your prior conditioning by instilling a new grove for thought processing.


Moriah Lee Davis has studied advanced biotic nonverbal communication for over 13 years. She has now developed the Cerebralsoft learning systems.